Tuesday, June 26, 2012

My Workout and what makes me Sweat

Today I do a more intense work out because I am trying to build a lot of muscle... you can still do this work out if you would like I choose to lift the heaviest I can...
I get my work out from bodybuilding.com
Step 1. bodybuilding.com
Step 2: top left find a plan
Step 3: (scroll to middle of page) Choose if your a male or female
Step 4: choose fat loss or muscle building ( I choose muscle building)
Step 5: choose your age

I have not looked at the program for weight loss only muscle building... But its there.

I am now doing:
(I am not currently doing the meal plan on this one because I have not got the chance to look at it and go shopping for it. I am still doing meal plan for above work out that I did for 5 weeks.)

For the first 4 weeks of my work out I was doing 30 minutes of cardio with each work out. I was working out for 5 days a week and two days off. There are times I would work out and feel too tired afterwards to do cardio so I would use one of my days off for cardio. 

NOW: I  do an hour of cardio instead of 30 minutes. I use the couch to 5k app for the first 35 minutes of my cardio, then I do the elliptical for 25 minutes at 100% incline and level 15. I kind of try to make it like a stair master in a way. I JUST started doing jump rope this past week and I do it between lifting weights. I will do three sets of weights then go jump rope for one full song off my ipod and its SO HARD!! I die every time, and I have to stop at times but I try not to stop for more than 10-15seconds. I only do that 2-3 times throughout my work out. Maybe one day I will be able to do more than one song at a time :)) Also, I work out 6 days a week now and one off.

MY SHOUT OUT: I have a friend named Chris Ferguson and I ask him a ton of questions about working out.. so he has helped me a lot.  Thank you.. I know I drive you crazy because I ask you 50 million questions but its SO HELPFUL!! 

What was I doing then? How did I get started?
Failure #1: When I first started working out I tried Insanity, I never lost one single pound. Why didnt I lose one single pound? B/c I still ate like crap!! I DID notice my body would tone but I was still thick and was not getting any smaller.

Failure #2:  I did try random jogs but I would not keep up with it and I would NOT CHANGE MY DIET!! I had friends that I would go walking with every single night as well and we would walk for an hour sometimes longer and I still didnt lose weight.. WHY?? Bc you cant eat a snow cone and exercise at the same time and think its going to be ok. ITS NOT!! You also cant do this then afterwards go eat out at a fast food restaurant or eat other unhealthy foods and expect change. I will probably say this a million times: We have our own ways of talking ourselves into thinking its okay to eat things when its really not ok!! We convince ourselves its ok... BREAK THAT HABIT! For example: This past saturday I ate a donut (guilty and I regret it but... I DID IT ) well, I ended up throwing up later that night because of drinking and I said ... see that donut didnt count I ended up throwing it up!! NEGATIVE!! Keep telling yourself things like this and see how far you DONT GET!!! Its NOT OK!!

Failure #3: I even tried the Jillian Michale's shred dvd's and Im 100% convinced ALL of these DVD's work but why did I fail?? I DIDNT CHANGE MY DIET!!

This is where I really started seeing a difference.. When I moved to Dallas from San Angelo (I started out at a size 8) I did continue a little bit with the Insanity and the Jillian Michale's DVD. But what REALLY REALLY REALLY made me see a difference was ONE HOUR OF PURE CARDIO>> NO STOPPING! 1 hour of hard cardio straight through.

What did I do?
EVERY SINGLE DAY for 3-4 months I did cardio! I made time for it NO MATTER WHAT!! I'm NOT EVEN KIDDING! I dont care how tired I was.. How busy my schedule was I MADE TIME FOR IT... (I lost friends, guys got tired of me saying oh I have to get this done etc. but who cares)

I was registered for 12 hours and still had a job and found time to do 1 hour of cardio. If you want to use your kids as an excuse, or your job, or school, or whatever else thats fine... But I'm telling you that I didnt let any excuses get in the way and thats how I got results. You find time for what you want to find time for. If you have to wake up an hour before your kids then do it! Figure out how important this really is to you. I remember walking in the snow to my gym, running in the rain to the gym... ONLY YOU CAN DO IT FOR YOURSELF!!

My Workout:
Elliptical: 30 minutes = 5 minute warm up,
                                      next for 2.5 minutes go as fast as you possible can for the entire 2.5 minutes
                                      next 2.5 minutes you slow way down and just do it normal at your own pace
so how will this go for the whole 30 min?
                                      5 min warm up
                                      2.5 min as fast as you possibly can
                                      2.5 min at a normal pace
                                      2.5 min as fast as you possibly can
                                      2.5 min at a normal pace
                                      2.5 min as fast as you possibly can
                                      2.5 min at a normal pace
                                      2.5 min as fast as you possibly can
                                      2.5 min at a normal pace
                                      2.5 min as fast as you possibly can
                                      2.5 min at a normal pace
=30 min (this actually goes by way faster if you do it this way than just lolly gagging on it, that's actually why I started doing it that way was because I was getting bored... You wont be bored doing it this way...)

my feet would go numb after 30 min and feel tingly so for 10 min I would either walk/jog on treadmill or ride the bike.

You should have 20 minutes left of cardio. Get back on that elliptical and do the something over again. EXCEPT you do not get a 5 min warm up... Jump right back into
2.5 min at a normal pace
2.5 min as fast as you possible can ... ETC do this for remainder of time... If you want last 5 min you can do elliptical at a normal pace just to get your heart rate back down.

Theres your 60 minutes of cardio TOTAL

THIS IS EXACTLY how I went from a size 8 to a size 4. I would say it took me between 3-4 months. Closer to 4 months. I also wore a sweat shirt and sweat pants even when it was hot. I have been told not to do this but I did anyway and I'm still alive :)
This is me at a size 8 ....

Size 8:

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