Sunday, May 11, 2014

High carb days ... Gone!!

Well... After a week and a half my high carb days got taken away lol... I'll prob die now for sure !! Here's a pic of what a moderate carb  day of sweet potatoe looks like ... 
Yeup that's all I get is that slice
Right there. On low carb days I'll get half that!!!
Here's what a full meal looks like for me 

Here is a progress photo of me. Unedited. No filters. Just natural lighting .... 

I also hate I mean hate doing cardio 
Killed my fat today though I have cardio errrr day now ... And I hate errrr second of it .... No music .. Tv show ... Conversation can make it end fast enough ... 
BUT that being said -- I have a competition to compete in and I'm NOT giving up!! 

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms!! 

Ohhh and if I get grumpy bc lack of carbs ... 

This will happen ASAP but I'm going to really try to challenge myself!!! 

Ppl don't understand how challenging and hard it is to get ready for a show. This is def my first one and it's hard but a friend of mine told me yesterday doesn't matter if it's your first or 5th or 20th it's always equally as misserable !! 

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