Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Fat Burners

This blog is over the Fat Burners I have taken ... I have only tried three and I liked 2 out of the three.
Jadera, Lean System 7, and Lipo6 Black.

How I would rate them scale 1-10
Jadera: 8 (I would have said a 10 but now that I have taken Lipo6black it blows Jadera out of the water but it really is a great pill I do like it still)
Lean System: 1 - I just didnt care for it
Lipo6 Black: 10 + + + this pill is just awesome :)))) LOVE IT

Above is Jadera:
I have always been a fan of this. When I went from a size 8-4 this is what I took while doing my 1 hour of intense cardio. I only took it for 1.5 months then I quit for 2 weeks then took it for another month. I did not take it the entire time.
My Experience:
- Take ONE a day ... TAKE WHEN YOU WAKE UP do not take late you will never sleep.
-I was losing 1-2 lbs a week it seemed like... There was maybe one week that I lost more than 2 lbs. -This pill made me not want to eat.
- You feel dehydrated have dry mouth
- Others have said this as well: First 2 weeks your sleeping is very off, and whole time your taking pills you have crazy dreams. I def felt that way. But the great thing about this pill is even if you only got a little bit of sleep your still not TIRED AT ALL the next day. Crazy but true.
-Feel very energized.
- Did I gain weight after I quit taking it? NO because I kept working out. Idk what happens when you quit and dont work out. I have heard from others they never gained it back.
In general I would recommend this I really did like it. It says its an all natural pill.
Where can you get this?
I have ordered this several times within the past 2 years and twice I have gotten FAKE PILLS!! So.. I only buy from this one guy now. I have never received fake ones from him. He ships super fast and his prices are way cheaper than others.100% trust worthy.
His Name: Paul Martin
(I always just emailed him)
How much is it:
1 Bottle - $15.99
2 Bottles -

3 Bottles - $45.00 - On Sale 4 Bottles - $61.50
5 Bottles - $75.00 - Buy 5-8 bottles - AND - get a Free Pack of Meizitang Soft Gels 
6 Bottles - $89.00
8 Bottles - $115.00 - On Sale10 Bottles - $139.99 - Buy 10 -20 bottles get 1 bottle of Jadera free - AND - 1 Pack of Meizitang Soft Gels
12 Bottles - $165.00
15 Bottles - $200.00 - On Sale20 Bottles - $264.99
25 Bottles - $318.75 - Buy 25-49 bottles - get 5 bottles of Jadera free - AND - 1 Pack of Meizitang Soft Gels
50 Bottles - $435.00 - New Wholesale Special Pricing - $8.70 each - best for Jadera Resale - Take Advantang of this oppurtunity while it lasts! Easily Double Your Money - Sell to Beauty Salons, Friends, Family Etc!
100 Bottles - $850.00 - New Wholesale Special Pricing - $8.50 each - best for Jadera Resale - Take Advantang of this oppurtunity while it lasts! Easily Double Your Money - Sell to Beauty Salons, Friends, Family Etc!
Second One I tried was the Lean System 7 
I took this recently. I took it for about a month. I honestly didnt see any changes or differences in my weight AT ALL...
- How much: $49.99
I just dont have anything to say about this one to be honest.... Sorry :/ 

Chris Ferguson thank you so much for telling me about this!!!
I have only been taking this pill for 2 weeks and it is AMAZING... Im in LOVE with this pill!!
My Experience: OKAY I'm a dumas and I took it at 6pm because I was so excited about it HUGE MISTAKE! I was up all NIGHT LONG!
- I was super jittery first day and beyond hyper... So hyper I was annoying myself.  I am not jittery anymore. I can feel that Im taking the pill but I dont feel jittery.
- I sweat more than I EVER HAVE in my entire life during work outs. THIS PILL.. I just cant say enough about it. I mean, I am DRIPPING SWEAT w/ this pill and before I had a hard time even breaking a sweat during a work out!!
-I paid $39.99 and there are 60 capsules per bottle I only take one pill a day so this will last me for 2 months. So $20 bucks a month to sweat like this!! TOTALLY WORTH IT
- I  am not having a hard time sleeping now that I'm on schedule with it.. I always take this before 10 am 
- I DO have crazy dreams haha!! BUT SO WORTH IT
- This has my vote 100% and beyond!


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