Sunday, June 24, 2012

Starbucks, Chic Fila, Donuts, Burritos, Candy... ETC

I'm creating this blog because I have several people asking me what I'm doing to lose weight, how I eat, what I do during work out, and how I stay motivated.

I'm going to just be honest through out all this and tell you when I fail, how I did it and how I succeed. I don't know everything about nutrition, how to eat 100% correct, or what exercises work best. This blog is ONLY what I feel is best for ME and how I have got to where I am.

When my ex husband and I divorced I weighed 160lbs.  While I lived in San Angelo I never worked out, I tried walking and running at times but would not keep up with it. I ate terrible, donuts, burritos, candy, I was never much of a coke person but I ate terrible foods. Almost every morning a starbucks drink 410 calorie drink alone.
Wana keep drinking Starbucks and continue with out a clean diet, no exercise... this is what you will get... you get to be a size 10!! You decide

These Pics were probably taken in 2010??

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