Tuesday, May 6, 2014

4:43 AM food cravings VS sleep

ALL I can think ab is how amazing it would be to eat donuts right now! 

BUT I CANT!! It's so hard laying here wide awake and wanting to eat but you know that if you do your last meal will be at 6pm -__- and that ain't happening!! I'll die if last time I get to eat is at 6pm !! My last meal is scheduled for 9 pm when I go to bed. 

I literally got up outta bed at 3 something and was going to eat something -- anything -- but stopped myself before I even gotto the fridge told my self don't do it and went back to the bed. And here I am STILL awake !! 

I. Want. To. Eat. Something. Already !! 

FOOD cRAVINGS you win! 

Ooo I'm going to weigh myself !! 
Ohhh--KAYYY ... My grandmas scale lied 
I weigh 
Therefore ... I dID NOT lose 7 lbs I lost like one !!! </3 #HEARTBROKEN 

What. The. Eff !! #ThisIsBS 
(Arms crossed... N mad) 
The struggle is real! 

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